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Course reviews

Allow your students to rate a course

Updated over a week ago

It is possible to ask your users to review a course once it is completed

To activate this feature on a specific course, head over to the User reviews section of the Information tab, in the course editor.

From there, you can also choose to display the average rating of the course and the number of reviews on both the course card and officiel course description page.

Review a course

Once the feature is activated, students will be asked to rate the course immediately after completing the last lesson.

Students are not required to leave a rating and/or comment. This step is optional at all times.

Students can also leave a comment on their behalf or anonymously. Comments are not posted publicly.

If you choose to publicly display your course's average rating, it will be shown on the course card as well as on the course's description page.

Consult your ratings and comments

Course reviews and comments can be found under the Review tab of the course editor.

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